The modern way to lease a car.

A flexible, all-inclusive subscription
with no long-term commitment

What is Volvo subscription?

For one monthly payment, you get your car with insurance coverage,
maintenance, and more. Plus, the flexibility to cancel after 12 months.

It's all-inclusive

One monthly payment includes the maintenance, protections for tires, wheels, and excessive wear. Volvo also takes care of the insurance coverage!

It's easy

Subscribing is easy and negotiation-free. Browse our inventory online or come in and visit our retail location.

It's flexible

Life can change, so we change with you. No long term commitment & the flexibility to upgrade after 12 months.

How does Volvo subscription work?

The all-inclusive car subscription by Volvo subscription.

1. Select

Browse our eligible Volvo subscription inventory online or in-store.

2. Start

In a few easy steps, we confirm your insurance and credit eligibility.

3. Delivery

You can take your subscription car home the same day or schedule delivery on your preferred date.

4. Drive!

Our flexible subscription allows you to cancel any time after 12 months.

What's included in your flexible car subscription?

The monthly fee covers the practical stuff.
You only need to worry about expenses such as gas and tolls.

Monthly Payment
Insurance Coverage
Flexible Subscription Term
1,250 Monthly Mileage
Factory Scheduled Maintenance
Excess Wear Protection
Tire and Wheel Protection
Roadside Assistance

Volvo Subscription FAQs

Volvo subscription is a flexible subscription lease program with an all-inclusive monthly payment**. This payment includes the usage of the vehicle, maintenance, and other common services related to vehicle ownership. Volvo also takes care of the insurance coverage†.
When you lease a car, you’re contracted for a longer time period, typically 36 months. With Volvo subscription, you don’t have the same long-term commitment, as you can cancel your subscription and return the vehicle any time after your 5th scheduled payment (for contracts entered into Illinois, you’re allowed to cancel after 12 months).
With your Volvo subscription, we include the factory scheduled maintenance services recommended for your Volvo (according to your Warranty & Maintenance booklet) with each 10,000 mile interval, at no charge. This also includes the wear items: replacement wiper blades, brake pads and rotors.
When your vehicle is returned, it will be subject to inspection by a third party. With Volvo subscription, we will waive up to $1,000 of excess wear on the condition report. Examples of excess wear includes large dents and dings to body panels, windshield damage, and tire replacement due to wear, scratched, gouged wheels and interior damage.
Coverages and limits are provided at or in excess of state requirements. Coverages and limits are pre-selected and cannot be modified. Your insurance coverage prohibits the use of the vehicle in any vehicle sharing program, to transport passengers or goods for hire.†

If the insurance coverage or limits provided as part of the Volvo subscription program doesn't meet your needs, Volvo offers standard purchase and lease options along with your choice of purchasing your own personal insurance policy. Please contact Customer Care at 1-800-550-5658 for more information.†
Program eligibility is determined by several different risk factors, including credit. If ineligible for the program, we won’t be able to provide the specific cause, as there are a number of factors that contribute to this decision. We do accept joint applications where both applicants will need to qualify for the subscription.

*Taxes & registration fees vary by state and are not included in the subscription price online.
†New York and California Residents: Volvo subscription, as described on this website, is not available for NY or CA Residents.
An alternative subscription offer, not including insurance coverage, is available at New York and California Volvo retailers.
Please contact Volvo subscription Concierge at 1-800-550-5658 for additional information.